Tetrapod Volume

The Volume: .
Formula: bottom area * height / 3

Tetrapod Volume

bottom area * height / 3

This formula is also applied to a cone volume.

Six side length → Volume

Tetrapod volume: .
Surface area: .

Formula(Tetrapod volume): sqrt(BC*BC*DA*DA*(CA*CA + AB*AB + DB*DB + DC*DC - BC*BC - DA*DA) + CA*CA*DB*DB*( AB*AB + BC*BC + DC*DC + DA*DA - CA*CA - DB*DB) + AB*AB*DC*DC*(BC*BC + CA*CA + DA*DA + DB*DB - AB*AB - DC*DC) - BC*BC*CA*CA*AB*AB - BC*BC*DB*DB*DC*DC - CA*CA*DC*DC*DA*DA -AB*AB*DA*DA*DB*DB) / 12

Formula(Surface area): sqrt((BC+CA+AB) * (-BC+CA+AB) * (BC-CA+AB) * (BC+CA-AB)) / 4 + sqrt((BC+DB+DC) * (-BC+DB+DC) * (BC-DB+DC) * (BC+DB-DC)) / 4 + sqrt((CA+DA+DC) * (-CA+DA+DC) * (CA-DA+DC) * (CA+DA-DC)) / 4 + sqrt((AB+DA+DB) * (-AB+DA+DB) * (AB-DA+DB) * (AB+DA-DB)) / 4

The volume of a tetrapod can be calculated from its six side length.


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