753 Celebration Year Calculator

Entering a child's birthday will output a 753-celebration year.

753 "Shichi-Go-San" is a festive event to celebrate children growing up.
Traditionally, age counts start at one in Japan; it is called "Kazoe-Doshi," (literally "counting age"). Nowadays, age counts start at zero; it is called "Man-Nenrei," (literally "full age").

Birthday → 753 Year

3 year:
5 year:
7 year:

Traditionally 753 is held on November 15th, but holidays near November 15th have become common.

Who will be celebrated this year?

Entering the year will output children ages who will be celebrated.

3 year
5 year
7 year
3 year
5 year
7 year

In Japan, 100 days old child will have "Okuizome," a weaning ceremony.


Tags:   nursing   Japan  

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